Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Chair in Bioprocess Engineering; Associate Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Bishnu Acharya is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Chair in Bioprocess Engineering at University of Saskatchewan. His research investigates various processes for the conversion of waste biomass into products, with applications in combined heat and power generation, fuel for transportation, sustainable farming, nanocomposite material, and biomaterials. His research is focused on the concept of circular bioeconomy that integrates thermal, biological and chemical synthesis processes for the conversion of low value biomass to high value bioproducts. Dr. Acharya research have resulted in over 90 publications. He has supervised/co-supervised 12 UGs, 5 MScs, and 4 PhDs and is currently supervising/co-supervising 3 PhDs and 2 MScs. Dr. Acharya has received over $1M funding in the past 5 years from Atlantic Fisheries Fund, NSERC DG, NSERC CRD, CFI, and Ocean Frontier Institute.
CLISA is the first multi-institutional training program in Canada towards climate smart agriculture to help address the need for HQPs who possess appropriate knowledge and expertise in climate change, precision agriculture, water and soil management, sustainable food production and food value chains, and climate-smart financing and policies to promote the development and application of innovative technologies and strategies in Canadian farming practices.