Member, Royal Society of Canada (RSC) College of New Scholars
Professor, School of Climate Change and Adaptation
Director, NSERC CREATE – CLImate Smart Agriculture (CLISA) Network
Director, Climate Smart Lab, Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation
University of Prince Edward Island
Member, Royal Society of Canada (RSC) College of New Scholars; Professor & Associate Dean, School of Climate Change and Adaptation, Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation
University of Prince Edward Island
Professor and Distinguished Research Excellence Chair in Sustainable Materials; Fellow RSC (Canada), Fellow AIChE, Fellow SPE, Fellow RSC (UK), Fellow IIChE(India); Director of Bioproducts Discovery & Development Centre (BDDC)
University of Guelph
Professor & Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Sustainable Biocomposites; Fellow RSC(UK), Fellow AIChE, Fellow SPE, Fellow IIChE, Fellow RSC
University of Guelph
Professor, Boreal Ecosystems and Agricultural Sciences; School of Science and the Environment (Grenfell Campus)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Chair in Bioprocess Engineering; Associate Professor in Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Saskatchewan
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture
Dalhousie University
Member, Royal Society of Canada (RSC) College of New Scholars; Associate Dean, Professional Graduate Programs; Associate Professor, Faculty of Management; Principal’s Research Chair (Tier 2) in Social Innovation for Health Equity and Food Security
University of British Columbia – Okanagan
CLISA is the first multi-institutional training program in Canada towards climate smart agriculture to help address the need for HQPs who possess appropriate knowledge and expertise in climate change, precision agriculture, water and soil management, sustainable food production and food value chains, and climate-smart financing and policies to promote the development and application of innovative technologies and strategies in Canadian farming practices.